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Coin Color. Upgrading for Coin Collecting.

This is Gary from Land of Coins .com. Today we're going to talk about upgrading your current coins using eye appeal coin color.

Today I have two coins that are both 1877 Indian head penny's. Two years ago I didn't have an 1877 Indian head penny in a worn grade. (I do like coins that are worn because to me they have character. But don't get me wrong, I like mint state coins also.) One thing about worn coins is that sometimes the worn coins are not very attractive looking. This means the color might be blotchy or they might look like they have color spots on them. The coin will still be a problem free coin, its just that the coin color does not look as nice as you would like.

The first 1877 Indian Head penny
Graded PCGS AG3
Not the best color

I saw an 1877 Indian in AG3 grade at auction. At the time, I didn't have an 1877 Indian head penny. The coin's color was not the best. But at the time, I didn't have an inexpensive 1877 Indian in PCGS in AG3 grade in my coin collection. So I went ahead and bought the coin, even though I did'nt think it was a great looking coin. In the starting stages of any new rare coin collection you will be doing, the coins do not have to be perfect to get the ball rolling.

I believe you should not go against buying a coin just because it doesn't have perfect coin color for your ideal coin collection. If you need the coin to fill a spot in your coin collection, just buy with knowing that eventually you will find one that has nicer coin color. For me and my 1877, go forward one year later and I found a really nice 1877 Indian head penny with good coin color. And it was in the same grade of AG3. Of course, now it's time to sell the previous one.

The second and better color 1877 Indian Head penny
Graded PCGS AG3
Much better even coin color

Coin Color Upgrade
Graded PCGS AG3
Much better even coin color

The 1877 indian head penny on the left is the first one that I bought. You can see that it's a bit blotchy. It looks like it has small spots all over it or copper color spots. It doesn't have an even color on the coin. As for the new one that is on the right, you can see how even the color is. The coin just has better eye appeal coin color overall.

So that's what we did. We upgraded the eye appeal coin color for our 1877 indian head penny for our coin collection. There you have it. And it was fun and a bit challenging. Upgrading your coins by using eye appeal coin color is a fun and interesting adventure. You learn to see many many coins and eventually will learn what is a good looking coin for the year and type your looking at. You will be the expert.

Remember always be on the lookout for a nicer color. For upgrading any coin in your collection. when you find one, go ahead and buy and then sell the one you currently have. And on the flip side of that, don't hesitate to buy a coin because you think the eye appeal coin color is not good. You dont have to keep it forever. Eventually you'll find one the has nicer coin color and during that time of searching you can enjoy the one you currently have.

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